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It's all kicking off in town
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It's all kicking off in town

27 September 2019

Public transport is vital to better mobility

If you’re heading to the AFL Grand Final Parade today, you’re in for a treat.

It’s a great day for supporters of all ages, with plenty to see. Marching bands, roving entertainers – not to mention your footy favourites…

It’s a fabulous event in a central location, with the Parade commencing outside the Old Treasury Building on Spring Street and culminating at Yarra Park.

But whatever you do, don’t drive there.

There are numerous road closures around the city centre and MCG, and parking on nearby streets is likely to end in tears, with inspectors red-hot this time of year.

The great news is that major Melbourne events are incredibly well served by public transport. And, coming from an industry perspective – I recognise the value of public transport within Victoria’s mobility landscape.

Walking, cycling, scootering/motorcycling, and catching buses, trams and trains are all viable means of getting around for most people.

And with Google Maps and phone apps available to help get you there, things have never been easier.

In the future, we may even be using ‘vertical take-off and landing aircraft’ to get about town, with talk of Uber conducting ‘flying taxi’ tests in Melbourne.

Never say never, but until then we’ll have to stick with what we know.

Nothing quite beats the convenience of hopping in your own car, but I get it – there are simply times when it makes a lot more sense to use an alternative.

It’s all about seeing the bigger picture.


Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 27 September 2019.

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