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VACC congratulates new Federal Government – but there’s work to do
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VACC congratulates new Federal Government – but there’s work to do

18 May 2019

The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) congratulates the Morrison Coalition Government on its victory in the 2019 Federal election.

“VACC welcomes the election announcement and looks forward to working closely with the new Australian Government,” said VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

“The Coalition Government has shown good will and support for several of the key policies outlined in VACC’s election manifesto Keep Australia Moving, including: commitment to supporting Australia’s automotive future; mandating access to service and repair information; and creating an automotive-specific Franchise Code of Conduct.

“These are extremely important issues for the almost-400,000 people working in the automotive industry across the country. VACC will continue to work with the new government – and the opposition – in order to see these commitments through.”

But VACC reminds both parties that there is still much work to be done.

“We reiterate to the new government that there are still several policy positions that remain overlooked. These need to be addressed and addressed right now,” said Mr Gwilym.

VACC’s priorities for the new government are:

  • Introduce a mandated motor vehicle insurance and repair industry code of conduct
  • Prioritise skills and training policy initiatives towards the automotive industry
  • Develop a national end-of-life vehicle program
  • Abolish luxury car tax
  • Roll out concrete measures for business red-tape reduction and improvements to Australian Consumer Law.

“For an industry that employs 380,000 people and contributes more than $37 billion annually to the Australian economy, it is inconceivable that such key industry priorities have been largely ignored by both major political parties,” said Mr Gwilym.

“Regardless, VACC will continue to work with both sides of government to create meaningful reform that recognises and promotes the merits and key needs of the automotive industry amongst policy-makers.”


A full list of VACC’s key policy priorities for the new Australian Government can be seen in its election manifesto: Keep Australia Moving.


