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How To Be More Green (Without Buying A Tesla)
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How To Be More Green (Without Buying A Tesla)

11 February 2019

An estimated 80 to 90 percent of a car’s environmental impact is due to emissions and fuel consumption. With new studies into carbon emissions coming out regularly, it seems like everything is an environmental hazard. It may seem like being more environmentally conscious is too costly to be worth it, but a little can go a long way. You don’t need to invest in the next new electric car to be more eco friendly; here are some simple tips on how your car can be more environmentally sustainable and even save you a bit of extra cash.

Use A Car Wash

Did you know that hand washing your car is actually pretty bad for the environment? While you may feel like you’re in control of the amount of water used as well as saving yourself some money, washing your car yourself causes a huge environmental impact. Hand washing causes excess oil, metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, and petrol to go straight into our stormwater systems and back into the environment.

Commercial car washes are required by law to conduct their practices in environmentally friendly ways. They strictly control the amount of water used by utilising high pressure hoses to quickly and efficiently clean your car. The more eco-friendly washes even connect these to recycled water systems that collect the water and use it for the next wash (after filtering it out).

It’s also up to the car wash to dispose of their waste water in a responsible manner. According to Cleanawater, water authorities strictly regulate commercial car washes to minimise their environmental impact. This includes separating oil from water, measuring PH and disposing of wastewater to avoid it going back into our waterways.

Watch Your Load

The heavier your car is, the more petrol it consumes. Going above your car’s maximum payload quickly decreases its fuel efficiency. Always take out heavy boxes or equipment from your boot if they’re not needed. You’ll be surprised how effective it is.

Consider Switching Tyres

Is your car due for a tyre change?

Did you know that there are plenty of eco-friendly options on the market? Options range from tyres made from environmentally safer materials, improved performance and fuel saving features.  Manufacturers are experimenting with plant based and biomass synthetic rubber tyres, recycling worn out tyres and lowering rolling resistance. Prices range from $80 to $1,000 but you may find it worth the investment with fuel efficiency and safety being a feature on most of these.

If your tyres are in great condition, frequently check your tyre pressure. Under inflated tyres cause safety concerns as well as being less fuel efficient.

Go To A Green Mechanic

Sometimes it’s as simple as going green. By supporting greener companies, you are decreasing your environmental impact without doing anything new! VACC has its own Green Stamp Accreditation that assits and rewards businesses with sustainability initiatives. “The program highlights and promotes automotive businesses that include environmental considerations in their operations.” – VACC

