
VACC's Kathy Zdravevski joins MVIRI committee

9 December 2021

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) and the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) have announced changes to the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry (MVIRI) Code Administration Committee (CAC).

VACC Industry Policy Advisor, Kathy Zdravevski – along with Mark Czvitkovits and Kaes Cillessen – have been named MTAA CAC representatives.

Ms Zdravevski brings significant insurance and collision repair industry, policy, regulation, and legal experience gathered in senior positions in the insurance industry.

Mark Czvitkovits is well known to the motor vehicle insurance and collision repair industry as a former collision repairer, business owner, and CEO of I-CAR Australia. 

Kaes Cillessen is an Industry and Government Engagement Manager from MTA SA/NT, specialising in policy and law reform advocacy engagements within complex and contested policy environments.

The ICA also confirmed the National Motor Insurance Committee's decision to appoint George Manos of Insurance Australia Group (IAG) to the CAC. Mr Manos is Manager of Industry Risk and Governance within IAG’s Insurance Supply Chain division and has extensive experience in the automotive insurer industry.

The ICA has advised the resignation of Troy Johns, while MTAA has advised the resignations of John Guest, Richard Dudley, and Brian Cowan from the CAC. The ICA and MTAA thank these people for their contribution and service to the automotive sector, insurance and the collision repair industries.

For more information:
Insurance Council of Australia: Changes to the Code Administration Committee Representatives

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