A road map for car dealers and dealer councils, Navigating recent automotive regulatory reforms has been released.
The comprehensive 56-page guide was prepared by FCW Lawyers in partnership with VACC’s national body, the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) and outlines important information including agency agreements, end of term obligations, capital expenditure requirements, dispute resolution, unfair contract terms, Australian Consumer Law, and collective bargaining.
A Q&A panel event was hosted by the Victorian Automobile Dealers Association chair, Sid Cetindag; MTAA CEO, Richard Dudley; and VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. FCW Principal lawyer and Head of Commercial, Sotheary Bryant, and Director Robert Gardini, made a presentation and answered questions from VADA and VACC's Farm and Industrial Machinery Dealers Association of Victoria members.
Download guide: Navigating recent automotive regulatory reforms