Following the introduction of new laws, which took effect on 1 July 2020, the VACC Workplace Relations team has conducted a number of briefings on workplace manslaughter. While the new laws do not impose additional duties on employers, the repercussions of a critical incident – such as a fatality – occurring has significantly increased.
In response to feedback, a poster has been produced to help guide members in the event of a critical incident in the workplace.

It is important for members to ensure an adequate safety culture exists within their business. This includes:
- identifying any potential hazards and risks to safety in the workplace by conducting regular safety inspections and putting controls in place
- staying on top of the maintenance and service of all relevant equipment
- reviewing policies and procedures to ensure relevance
- providing adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to enable workers to complete tasks safely
- regularly consulting workers on OHS matters and maintaining accurate record-keeping of all OHS-related training, consultation and inductions.
If members require any additional information or assistance, they are encouraged to contact the VACC OHS&E Unit.
T: 03 9829 1265