
Colour me

3 September 2021

Your chosen hue makes a statement

Our choice of vehicle make and model says something about us. Not just how we live but potentially where.

Look at me. I drive a medium-size Mercedes-Benz SUV.

It’s known as a smooth drive, fuel-efficient, and easy on the eye.

These are important selling points for someone who drives a lot – including to work every day, to the city from the suburbs.

Now is saying that it’s not just our vehicle specs that make a statement, so could our choice of colour.

Do any of the following sound right?

Black: Symbolic of power, elegance and sophistication.

Silver: Simple but effective, silver and grey tones are considered to be formal, conservative and timeless.

White: Cleanliness, freshness, and simplicity.

Red: Can be seen as a flashier option. Not always. Deeper shades of red are becoming more popular among family vehicles, signalling responsibility and safety.

Blue: Associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination.

Now, I have kept it light when talking about colours so far. But, in my opinion, safety should be the driving force when picking a hue.

Visibility equals safety.

Seems like I am in the majority with this thinking too.

Last year white was the world's most popular car colour globally, accounting for roughly 38 percent of all cars sold.

And according to research from major car paint supplier Axalta, silver sits at only nine percent, with blue and red the fifth and sixth best-selling.

Each to their own when it comes to customisation, but colour is definitely something to think about.


Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 3 September 2021.

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