Motoring holidays can be great fun if you’re well prepared
It’s holiday time. For many that means hitting the road with a caravan, boat or trailer in tow.
This is an economical and fun way to use your car. But you need to know what you’re doing.
Firstly, consult your owners’ manual to check your vehicle’s towing capacity.
Don’t exceed it.
Ensure the tow-ball and trailer-hitch fit well and once you’ve connected the light cable from the caravan/trailer to your vehicle, check the lights and indicators work.
After you’ve loaded up your caravan/trailer, check the load to ensure there’s nothing hanging outside its parameters. This is dangerous and could be illegal.
If you’re towing a trailer, cover the load with a firmly secured tarp.
Then check all tyres to ensure they’re holding the weight and aren’t deflating.
Once on the road, pay attention to the weather – particularly strong winds and rain – and adjust your driving accordingly.
If conditions are bad, pull over and take a break.
Allow additional room for the vehicle in front, to compensate for extra braking and acceleration time, and when descending hills choose a lower gear to save the brakes.
Reversing a trailer into position can be difficult. It’s best to begin with the trailer and vehicle in a straight line then slowly ease back.
Remember, if you need to move the trailer to the left then you need to turn right. It takes practice, so do that before you leave.
Finally, be courteous to other motorists and get where you’re going in one piece.
Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 27 December 2019.
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