
VACC response to essential waste services risk mitigation

22 September 2023

The Victorian Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) recently released the draft Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) (Risk, Consequence and Contingency) Regulations 2023 (Risk Regulations).

VACC took the opportunity to comment on the new Risk Regulations via the government's Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS).

The Risk Regulations are the next tranche of regulations proposed under the Circular Economy Act.

The Risk Regulations are relevant to the Victorian waste, recycling and resource recovery sector.

VACC stressed the importance of maintaining harmonisation with national frameworks where possible.

VACC developed, in collaboration with the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, a guide for auto-recycling operations, that provides direction on practical measures to prevent or minimise risk of harm to health and the environment.

In addition, Recycling Victoria has been established as a new regulatory agency for the Victorian waste and resource recovery sector. VACC has requested that Recycling Victoria consult with VACC directly during the implementation period to discuss the learnings and findings of the proposed regulations.

DEECA intends to submit the new regulations to the Governor in Council in November 2023, with the final Risk Regulations to come into effect on 1 December 2023.

Read VACC’s submission.

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