
Parts Supply Issues Register

22 September 2023

Members tell VACC they have difficulty purchasing OEM parts. These parts have either been extremely difficult to get, rejected, or offered for purchase as a complete unit assembly rather than as an individual internal component.

The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides consumers with a guarantee that manufacturers of supplied goods will take reasonable action to ensure spare parts for the goods are reasonably available for a reasonable period after supply.

How much time is reasonable?

The ACL does not define the reasonable amount of time an OEM has to supply spare parts. The test for what is a reasonable period is objective, and is applied from the perspective of the manufacturer.

Whether spare parts are available for a reasonable period is a question of fact determined on a case-by-case basis. To determine whether spare parts are reasonably available for a reasonable period depends on several factors, including the nature of the goods supplied. For example, it is reasonable to expect tyres for a new car will be available for many years after purchase.

When the guarantee on spare parts does not apply

A manufacturer or importer does not have to meet the guarantee on spare parts if it advises consumers in writing, at or before the time of purchase, that spare parts will not be available at all or after a specified time.

How we can help

If you have experienced any prolonged delays or difficulties getting spare parts, provide specific details via the register or contact John Khoury on 0412 510 018 or

All information gathered remains anonymous and will assist VACC to identify brand and part trends, which VACC may communicate to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Parts Supply Issues Register

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