
EPA webinar

27 January 2021

Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria is hosting an online event to provide business owners with information on how changes to Victoria's environmental protection laws – set to roll-out 1 July – could impact their operations.

EPA webinar
When: Wednesday, 3 February 2 – 4pm
Register: Eventbrite

A link to the event and detailed agenda will be sent to registered attendees prior to the webinar.

Topics to be covered:

  • Overview of the new Act
  • Q&A 
  • How to connect with EPA online.

In addition to the webinar, registrations are still open for the EPA's Small Business Program pilot. The initiative has been created in order to further assist small businesses to understand the new protection laws in the lead up to July. See related VACC news story.

For more information
EPA Victoria
P: 1300 372 842

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