New guidance on face coverings and what is and isn’t acceptable now in Victoria has been released by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Victorians must now wear a fitted face mask covering the nose and mouth when leaving the home, unless a lawful reason for not doing so applies.
'Fitted' means a mask or covering that fits securely around the face, specifically covering the nose and the mouth areas.
Therefore, items including face shields, bandanas, scarves, loose snoods, loose buffs or loose gaiters on their own are no longer considered a sufficient face covering, as they are less effective than a three-layer fitted face mask.
To help Victorians understand the change, the DHHS has designed an OHS poster. Members are encouraged to view and download:
Face masks poster

For more information
DHHS: Face masks at work
VACC: COVID-19 poster pack