The UCRD is an all makes diesel diagnostics course covering the location, function, operation, and diagnostics strategies of vital components of a common rail diesel (CRD) engine.
Presented Clinton Brett a Diesel Fuel Injection Specialist with 30 plus years experience will enhance your diagnostics ability by providing you with an understanding of what you’re diagnosing and why.
Course Overview:
- Explanation of common rail diesel engine operation
- Types of common rail diesel fuel systems
- Identify system components and location
- Component operation and case studies of known failures
- Explanation of testing Bosch pressure regulators
- Diagnostic and repair solutions for intake, turbo, EGR & emission systems
- On vehicle diagnostic techniques without a scan tool
- Participate and learn to test pumps, rails & injectors without removing from the engine
- Vital injector back-leakage testing and what the results mean
- Testing low-pressure supply systems
Dates and location
Location: VACC House , 650 Victoria St, Nth Melbourne
Dates: 1st & 2nd of August 2025
Times: Friday 8am to 4pm | Saturday 8am to 2pm
Includes lunch and morning breaks.
- Training booklet
- Certificate
- Refreshments and light meals
Course limited to 15 people