Media releases

Tipper code extension a positive move: MTAA and CVIAA

20 DECEMBER 2024

The Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) and its Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Australia (CVIAA) members thank the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) for listening to the industry’s concerns about the impending J4 tipper body design code.
MTAA and CVIAA asked NHVR for greater clarity about how it intended to implement its code and asked for an extension to the looming February 2024 deadline.
NHVR has responded positively to the industry’s concerns and has extended the deadline to 1 July 2024 in order to create more time for consultation and implementation guidelines.

“MTAA and CVIAA secured the first extension for industry early in 2023, so we are pleased NHVR has taken our advice to further extend its implementation as it works through industry feedback,” said MTAA CEO Geoff Gwilym.

MTAA and CVIAA have advocated for sensible changes to the J4 code prior to full implementation for some time. They were also the first to raise industry’s concerns related to the tipper stability calculations, which are considered overly complex and difficult to meet the prescribed standards. It has been MTAA and CVIAA's long-standing position that NHVR should move the J4 tipper body design code stability calculations into a Vehicle Standard Guide (VSG), and that it should not be a part of VSB 6. The responsibility of these calculations needs to lie with the body builder and not the Approved Vehicle Examiner (AVE) who certifies these vehicles. 
“MTAA and CVIAA members thank NHVR for working constructively with the industry. Professionals working in the industry are always best placed to guide policy and we remain hopeful that NHVR’s extension will help bring about a positive outcome,” said Mr Gwilym.

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