
New VACC HQ build begins

12 November 2020

VACC’s move to new headquarters in North Melbourne is making tracks, with VACC President, Fury Bortolotto turning the first sod, and with building now underway.

Envisaged over three years ago, VACC made a strategic decision to capitalise on its St Kilda Road premises and move to a purpose-built facility close to the city. The background to the decision-making was a realisation that the current building was aging and the need to keep sourcing tenants was onerous and time-consuming. 

VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym said, “Even looking at a modernisation of VACC House would have had severe implications for member funds, with an unknown projection of future tenancy rates. Ironically, the coronavirus situation has highlighted the need for VACC to reduce its office footprint and not rely on rental incomes as a major income stream.”

The new building on Victoria Street in North Melbourne, on the city fringe, has been designed to reduce business silos at VACC and to encourage cross-team and cross-department activity.

“We need to use all of the capability in the association to bring quality services to our members. Working collaboratively in a highly intuitive work environment means we can focus on what is important to the members,” Gwilym continued.

The new, four-story building will have a large open atrium on the entrance level and will be able to showcase new vehicle innovations and display the latest technologies. Access from the laneway at the rear of the building means that cars will be able to be rolled into the main entrance foyer. 

Looking up into the working of the building, members and visitors will get a feeling of activity and transparency. Informal meetings will be held in the entrance foyer and member meetings will be accommodated across the other building levels. Members will have easy access to the building with 91 car spaces being allocated and an electric charging station included, as part of the three levels of basement car parking.

VACC President, Fury Bortolotto said, “This is a great step forward for VACC, both in recognising our past and in preparing VACC for the future. The building will have a look and feel that talks to the future of the automotive industry. This is so important, especially if we want to attract the right people into the industry. I am proud to be putting the spade into the ground on this important project.”

The building will take 370 days to build and VACC anticipates it will be moving into the new premises in late 2021. A fixed time-lapse camera has been mounted on the worksite and VACC will be sending out regular building stage updates in the coming months.

VACC members should be very proud of this ambitious move, led by the Executive Board for the longer-term benefit of all VACC members.

The location of the new headquarters is 650 Victoria Street, North Melbourne, on the corner of Lothian and Victoria Street.

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