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New ARC chair announced
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New ARC chair announced

7 December 2023

The Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) elected Dr Greg Picker as chair of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry board at its recent annual general meeting.

He takes over from Michael Bennett AM, who has completed his term and will retire from a long career in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry.

Greg Picker is Executive Director of Refrigerants Australia, a role he has filled for the past decade, and brings a wealth of knowledge from the refrigerants and products sectors.

With Australian Government and United Nations experience, Dr Picker understands environmental policy drivers and the refrigeration and air conditioning industry.

The ARC board is voluntary, with all directors contributing their time and knowledge, and sharing a passion for the industry and a drive to help it succeed.

The board plays a vital role as steward of the ARCtick refrigeration and air conditioning licence scheme, as well as leading initiatives in training, innovation, education and advocacy.

Directors represent the full spectrum of climate control, technicians, businesses, designers, wholesalers and manufacturers in the refregeration and air conditioning industries, including the automotive air conditioning sector.

VACC is a member of the Australian Refrigeration Council, and Industry Policy Advisor John Khoury sits on the ARC board. 

Visit the ARC website.

