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Committee agrees to Code review
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Committee agrees to Code review

9 May 2022

The Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry (MVIRI) Code of Conduct Administration Committee (CAC) has met at the new Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce headquarters in North Melbourne for its first in-person meeting of 2022.

Committee members discussed the impact of continuing skill shortages and the role of technology within the industry, as well as the importance of continued industry dialogue and education for both repairers and insurers.

Importantly, agreement was reached at the meeting on the first steps toward the review of the Code.

The CAC remains committed to continuing its work to ensure the Code assists both repairers and insurers in achieving a balance of fairness in their dealings with each other. 

CAC members pictured below, from left: Kaes Cillessen, Motor Trade Association SA/NT; Mark Czvitkovits, CAC Chair, Motor Trades Association of Australia representative; Peter Hartman, Allianz Insurance; Brett Wallace, Suncorp Insurance; Kathy Zdravevski, Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce and George Manos, Insurance Australia Group (IAG).


