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Coronavirus: Keeping the workplace clean
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Coronavirus: Keeping the workplace clean

14 April 2020

As well as staying safe in and around vehicles, VACC members should be vigilant when it comes to other areas of the workplace including office, lunch and waiting areas.

It is the employer's responsibility to implement processes to ensure the following:

  • Workers wear gloves when cleaning and wash their hands thoroughly, or sanitise with an alcohol‑based hand sanitiser, before and after wearing gloves
  • Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times a day with a detergent or disinfectant solution. Areas can include Eftpos equipment, handrails, tables, countertops, door handles, elevator buttons, sinks and keyboards
  • Workers wipe down personal property that comes to work, such as sunglasses, mobile phones and tablets with a disinfectant solution
  • Areas in which visitors and customers frequent are never crowded and are kept clean, including wiping down chairs after use.

To help, the VACC OHS&E Unit has developed an easy-to-use checklist for automotive businesses to ensure the safety of their workers and customers, and assist in minimising the risk of spreading the virus further.

