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Coronavirus: Dealerships remain free to trade
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Coronavirus: Dealerships remain free to trade

1 APRIL 2020

Dealerships across the country continue to operate and remain free to do so.

VACC and the Victorian Automobile Dealers Association (VADA) are aware of an email circulating, advising of information emanating from the Office of the Premier of Victoria, which outlines automotive dealerships operating permissions. 

VACC assures VADA members of the following:

  1. Never, at any stage, has the Victorian Government intimated or advised anything to suggest that dealerships should close and that members of the public should not visit a dealership.
  2. Never, at any stage, has the Australian Government intimated or advised anything to suggest that dealerships should close and that members of the public should not visit a dealership. In fact, Prime Minister Morrison has, as recently as 25 March, advised that ‘people can still go to car yards’.
  3. The VACC OHSE Unit has released specific guidance that addresses the Stage 3 restrictions as announced by the Prime Minister on 29 March. These new restrictions prohibit the indoor/outdoor gathering of more than two people. This advice announces that the Stage 3 restrictions apply to all non-essential gatherings. Exemptions to this include workplaces, such as dealerships and service centres.
  4. The VACC relationship with the Victorian Government is collaborative and cordial. As the peak body representing new car dealers in Victoria if any decision regarding an automotive industry closure was being contemplated by government(s) then VADA and VACC would be part of those conversations. There have been none.

The email being circulated should be disregarded. 

If dealership owners choose to close their businesses for a time (hibernate), or to alter their normal working arrangements, that is a decision that they can make as they see fit.

Members should continue to consult with VACC on any matters and only rely on trusted sources for key business information.

