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Coronavirus: Dealing with cancellations
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Coronavirus: Dealing with cancellations

21 MARCH 2020

Businesses across the world – whether restaurants, hairdressers or professional speakers – are experiencing unprecedented numbers of cancellations. And the auto industry is not immune. But how do you deal with the situation when the phone won’t stop ringing?

The first thing to do is to acknowledge that if a customer cancels a car service or an appointment to have tyres fitted to their motorcycle, they are probably doing so for a genuine reason – a lot of people are doing it tough at the moment. The most important thing here is to keep goodwill so that your customers will return when the time is right for them.   

If your business is taking a hiatus, make sure you contact all of your customers alerting them, and arrange alternate arrangements for when you get back on your feet.

Business Victoria has produced some helpful information on the subject here. It’s mainly directed towards the tourism industry, but it may help you deal with your situation.

