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Coronavirus: Looking after mental health
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Coronavirus: Looking after mental health

25 MARCH 2020

One of the expected impacts of the current coronavirus situation is that business and employment will suffer; perhaps for an extended period of time. The further unfortunate impact of this is that some people may experience mental health issues.

One of the most important things to do at the moment is accept that this is an unprecedented and difficult time for everyone and that emotional unrest could be normal for many people in the community – perhaps even for yourself.

So, here are some things you can do:

  1. Ask your family, friends, and staff and work colleagues if they are okay. Simply showing some care can make a big difference to how people feel
  2. If someone you know is showing signs of stress and they want to talk about it with you, listen and offer whatever assistance you can provide
  3. Lead the way, by letting others know how you feel
  4. Let people know that there is professional assistance available, and provide contact details.

To help, VACC has prepared a downloadable and printable poster that we encourage you to display prominently in your workplace. It contains links to some helpful organisations offering mental health assistance at this difficult time. Download here.

Heads up and Beyond Blue have also produced a free guide titled Supporting small business owners to improve their health and wellbeing at work, which is a good place to start.

Helpful contacts:
Beyond Blue
Heads up
Business Victoria
Lifeline (for immediate crisis support, call 13 11 14)

