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Victoria still lumbering under antiquated roadworthy system

6 AUGUST 2018

Automotive business owners are reporting increased levels of frustration with using the outdated, paper-based vehicle roadworthy certificate (RWC) system in Victoria, says the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC).

The paper-based RWC system poses numerous impediments and inefficiencies for automotive businesses and motorists, including unnecessary red-tape and productivity losses for automotive repairers, and likely inefficiencies for VicRoads.

“New South Wales has successfully adopted an electronic (e-Roadworthy) system, streamlining operations for automotive businesses in that state,” said VACC Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Gwilym.  

“Furthermore, an e-Roadworthy system has the potential to stamp out odometer fraud, which is of detriment to consumers, automotive businesses and Victoria Police. This can be achieved by the simultaneous electronic database storage of vehicle odometer readings as part of an e-Roadworthy system. This would help alleviate odometer fraud as the database could be checked in real time for odometer reading integrity. 

“VACC therefore recommends that the next Victorian State Government implements an electronic roadworthy system, like in NSW, that allows for electronic storage of vehicle odometer readings to improve consumer protections and business efficiency,” said Mr Gwilym.

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